Labuhan Bajo Village is a village located in Utan Subdistrict, Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. The population of Labuhan Bajo village is 2114 people, consisting of 1028 men and 1086 women with 527 KK. The number of basic livelihoods of the labuhan bajo community is 526 fishermen, farm workers 29 people, farmers 34 people, carpenters 16 people and 343 people who do not work etc. (Source, Labuhan Bajo Village Profile 2017). The people of Labuhan Bajo seen from the profession of most jobs are as fishermen because of the location of Labuhan Bajo Village between two ocean borders, namely the Flores Sea and Alas Strait. But there are also many people who have not got a job about 343 people in the labor force aged 18-56 years based on village profile data. Fisheries are one of the largest sources of search in the region. The fish catch of labuhan bajo village is the average type of anchoic fish. Anchoated fish caught by fishermen are directly sold to the collectors in wet fish conditions. If it is estimated that the income earned is around Rp. 200,000 per tub.Meanwhile, for sales in dry form the results obtained reached Rp 350,000 per seventy kilos. Therefore, the dominant profit is obtained if the sale is done in dry form. This leads to losses to fishermen. So fishermen need an alternative in drying anchoated fish before anchoated fish are sold. So that the price of a stable anchoated fish can increase the income of fishermen. Based on the results of the PHP2D team survey in the field in general, the process of processing anchoated fish in dry form still uses conventional means by utilizing solar radiation power directly for 2 to 3 days. This process sometimes finds obstacles, especially in the rainy season that causes the length of drying time of anchoated fish with a large number of fish catches. So that drying techniques are needed that can increase the capacity and speed of drying. The right drying technique is to use a gas-fired anchoar in optimizing the time needed in the process of drying anchoar caught by the people of Labuhan Bajo Village. Based on the reality on the ground, people who do not work become a problem faced by the Village Government because the number of people who have not worked is high. So that the Village Government hopes that the anchoic fish dryer can be one of the jobs for people who have not found a job and can develop anchoic products into other products such as anchoic packaging, anchoic fish abon, anchoic chips etc., and can improve the community economy as a business opportunity in growing new entrepreneurs for the people of Labuhan Bajo Village. Utilization of anchoated fish dryer is needed by fishermen in increasing the selling price. The quality and drying time are higher compared to conventional drying due to the faster temperature and drying time. The purpose of the PHP2D program is first, adding to the knowledge and skills possessed by some column of fishermen labuhan bajo, due to the lack of anchoin fish management process in fishermen. Second, drying tools as one of the solutions for the community in drying anchoar. Third, as an anchoated drying area in sumbawa regency.Wednesday, September 27, 2021 TEAM PHP2D Teri UTS Fish Dryer made the delivery of automatic anchoar dryer in Labuhan Bajo Village as well as conducting an activity seminar attended by the Village Head, fishing group, the mother of lecturers from Sumbawa University of Technology who was invited as a speaker. The speech delivered by Village Head Mr. Ramli Ahmad thanked and appreciated the results and work of the dryer made by UTS students, especially the UTS PHP2D Team. Great hope from him in the future, the tool can be useful in overcoming the problems experienced by the community in drying anchoic fish and become a business opportunity and employment for the people of Labuhan Bajo Village. Likewise, the welcome delivered by the chairman of the fishermen’s group said that they were very grateful and grateful, because of what they hoped to achieve, with the automatic anchoang dryer and they were very satisfied with the results carried out by the Php2d Uts Team.In training to improve organizational and financial management and dryer maintenance, silvia firda utami M.Sc who is one of the lecturers in Industrial Engineering delivered material about the management of business organizations. Where in this material discusses how to form an organization in starting a new business. Then in the second training material delivered by Mr. Ryan Suarantalla MM, namely about financial reporting and the third material, mr. Mietra Anggara, M.T. that discusses operation, dryer maintenance and work safety. 

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